School Dress Code 

VLCS adheres to a strict dress code – the dress code is enforced whenever students are on campus including the after-school program.  Students must also adhere to the dress code when representing VLCS off-campus.  VLCS students show their individuality through character and leadership.  

Dress Code Violations:  If a student is out of dress code, they will be issued a dress code warning; parents may be called to bring a change of clothing to school that is compliant with our dress code.  On the fourth dress code warning, the student may receive a one-day suspension.


All garments must fit appropriately and be in good repair.  Except for outerwear, all visible garments (including layered tank shirts and leggings) must conform to the policies below as they pertain to shirts and pants/bottoms.  Undergarments are not to be visible at any time.

  • Shirts: Must have a collar and may be button-down or polo styles with short or long sleeves.  Shirts may not be seen through—approved colors: black, blue, yellow, white, or grey.  The colors must be solid. *Shirts may not be tied/knotted; for example, they may be tied at the shoulders or waist.  Spaghetti straps are not allowed. Tank tops must be three fingers width. No crop/short tops or other exposure of the midriff.

  • Pants/Bottoms: These may be pants, capris, shorts, skorts, or jumpers.  We advise that leggings be worn beneath skirts.  Approved colors: blue, black, grey, khaki/tan, white, denim. Pants/Bottoms must be a solid single color and be free of excessive embellishments.  Shorts must be as long as the fingertips when arms are resting at their sides - whether or not they are worn with leggings or tights - no cut-offs. Pants must be in good repair, holes are not allowed, and must sit at the waist - no sagging.  Yoga/stretchy pants/Jeggings are permitted as long as the posterior is covered.

  • Tights, leggings: Approved colors: white, blue, black khaki/tan, grey, yellow.  Colors must be solid, and socks must be matching pairs. Leggings may be worn as long as the posterior is covered.

  • Outerwear:  Coats and jackets may be of any color.  Sweaters and hoodies must be black, blue, yellow, white, grey, or khaki/tan.  (If it is worn in the classroom, it must match our dress code, colors must be solid) if they are not dress code colors, students will be asked to remove them while in class.

  • Shoes: May be of any color.  All shoes must be closed-toe with a back.  Open-toe sandals or similar-style clogs are not permitted. High heels, wedges, and any shoes with cleats, spikes, or wheels are not allowed. Flats ONLY.

Hair and Makeup

  • Hairstyles and hair color must be appropriate to the learning environment.  Except for School Spirit Days and Dollar Dress Days, unnatural hair colors (purple, green, blue, etc.) are not permitted.

  • Makeup: Students in grades 7 and above are permitted to wear makeup and must be appropriate to the learning environment, makeup products are not allowed on campus.  Students in grades 6 and lower are not permitted to wear makeup at school or bring makeup on campus. Your inner beauty never needs makeup. 

  • Body Art: we believe your individuality is shown through character and leadership. The following are not allowed unless it is for a religious/ceremonial reason:  tattoos (permanent or temporary), henna, piercings (ears are ok), false stick on nails.

School Spirit Days and Dollar Dress Days

On these occasions, students will be allowed to dress according to a given theme (e.g., Pajama Day) and donate to the monthly cause, and wear clothing of their choosing.  Dollar Dress Day is not mandatory, but a fun way to give back to the community.   All clothing on these special days must be appropriate to the learning environment; proper fitting, no spaghetti straps, no open-toe shoes, etc.  Proceeds from the Dollar Dress Days will be used to benefit outside organizations,  the students at Valley Life Charter School, or community agencies/charities.  

School Spirit days will be on Friday.  Students may also wear other T-shirts that have been earned by participating in a VLCS event such as Science Olympiad, Step Up, etc.  

*Note- NO accessories may be used to show gang affiliation, sex, alcohol, drugs, or inappropriate activity; unnatural hair coloring and most body piercings are distracting and are not allowed.  No pants with holes, pant chains, cloth belts, animal collars, or spikes are allowed.