Carin Lake
Middle School ELA & History
Personal Mission Statement:
I am at my best when I am around young people. I gain energy from being with them every day.
I will try to prevent times when I am alone, because I come to life when I am with friends.
I will enjoy my work because I love it when I teach and my students and they get excited about what they are learning.
I will find enjoyment in my personal life through spending time with my husband, David, and my 2 children, Eden and Gideon.
I will find opportunities to use my natural talents and gifts such as public speaking, being a team player, and being a good friend.
I can do anything I set my mind to. In the future, I would like to go on short-term mission trips to third world countries and build hospitals and schools.
My life's journey is to use the experiences I have had in my life, good or bad, to inspire others to find their mission in life and live each day to the fullest. I will be a person who is known for making a differences in the lives of others. I want to leave a legacy of love, but be remembered as someone who persevered when times were tough and didn't give up. Someone who always has hope. (Romans 5:3-5)
My most important future contribution to others will be that I persevered even when things seemed hopeless and impossible. Never Give Up!
I will stop procrastinating and start working on:
Being more Proactive and less Reactive.
Putting First things First and prioritizing my life
Talking less, listening more.
I will strive to incorporate the following attributes into my life:
Live everyday as if it were my last
Have a love for Jesus that spills over into everyone I meet
Be a mentor, a friend, and a kindred spirit to those around me
I will constantly renew myself by focusing on the four dimensions of my life:
Exercise! I need to do it!!
Spend more time in God’s Holy word, and in fellowship with Him.
Going back to school and teaching.
Spending time with family and friends